Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 32: Thanksgiving

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! Did you try one of these writing prompts? Let me know! I love to see what other writers are up to. Happy [early] Thanksgiving! <3 Kyle



“A story needs rhythm. Read it aloud to yourself. If it doesn’t spin a bit of magic, it’s missing something.” -Esther Freud

“Go on thinking that you don’t need to be read and you’ll find that it may become quite true.” -Dylan Thomas

“The real joy of writing comes from surprising oneself.” -Alfred Kazin



“I can go if we’ll be back by 10:30.”

She could not get the smell of glue off of her fingers.

This morning was different from the rest, and not just because he decided to eat breakfast for a change.

There are three things I wish to tell you:

I have my doubts.

Tell the story of your Thanksgiving…from the perspective of the turkey


and more!

22 Rules of Storytelling According to Pixar

How to Get Past That Rough Draft

50 Things to Know to Self-Publish a Book on Amazon



Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook  and follow me on twitter

Tumblr more your speed? Check out my new Tumblr!

Write on!

Esther Freud quote

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Are you having an emotional affair?

It usually happens by accident. You don’t seek this person out. It is more likely that you are trying to fill a void you may not have known you even had. One day you find yourself chatting to the attractive new face in the office and the next you find yourself so drawn to them that you have regular lunch dates and share intimate details about your life…including problems you may be having in your relationship. But this is all innocent enough, right? Think again. Here are some signs that you are having an affair of the heart and what it means for your relationship with your significant other:

Are you having an Emotional Affair_

Signs you are having an emotional affair:

You are always excited to see them even though you see them quite often.

You start dressing up more around them in hopes that they will notice.

They are the person you turn to BEFORE you even turn to your partner (IF you even turn to your partner).

You find yourself confiding in them…even more than you confide in your own partner.

You find yourself talking about them all of the time to your friends or even to your partner. With your partner, you find yourself leaving out bits and pieces of the story because you know your partner might get suspicious.

Conversely, you find yourself purposefully NOT mentioning them to your friends or partner.

You are flirting with them and they don’t shut it down. (And hey, you both kind of like it)

They are flirting with you and you don’t shut it down. (No, they are not just being friendly)

You go for lunch or dinner regularly. You tend not to tell your partner.

On more than one occasion, you have fantasized about being with this person.

You feel like you have something to hide from your partner.


Does having an emotional affair mean you don’t love your partner? What do you do now? Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!

emotional affair_ an affair of the heart



Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 31: Setting & POV

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

What the Person You Deserve is Like



“A lie is more comfortable than doubt, more useful than love, more lasting than truth.” -Gabriel García Márquez

“All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are.” -Pablo Neruda

“I wrote my first novel because I wanted to read it.”-Toni Morrison



Your character is getting ready to move to the moon

Your character is suddenly 20 feet tall. How did this happen? What is life like for them now?

Borrow from a friend! Got a favorite character from someone else’s book? You can either go the route of fan fiction or just borrow a trait or two that you see them use and give it a whirl.

When dinosaurs roamed the earth…oh wait, they still do!

“Oliver and No Company”


and more!

How to Build a Fictional World:

Note from Kyle: For graduate school, one of my assignments was to write a piece that takes place in an alternate universe. There were more notes and restrictions in regards to the prompt itself, but that is what it boiled down to: alternate universe. The idea was terrifying! I had never written a piece that took place in a world other than our own and I was unsure how to create such a world in a short amount of space. Worse yet, what if it came off as phony? Ultimately I survived and ended up with a piece I actually am quite fond of, but for those of you attempting your first “alternate universe”/”fictional world” or even if you are more experienced, this post might be of use to you. As always, practice makes pretty writing! ( I mean, is it ever “perfect”?)

Using Location as a Character in a novel:

Note from Kyle: A lot of writers accidentally overlook setting (myself included), and this is a mistake! Whether you are creating your own world (see link above) or placing your characters in the “real world,” you want your reader to feel as if they are really a part of that world. Tell your reader what’s around them but, more importantly, show them what’s there. Develop your setting into a world your reader will fall in love with as if it is one of your characters.

Find the Perfect Point of View for Your Story:

Note from Kyle: Unsure of what point of view to use to tell your story? Try writing the same part of the story from a few different perspectives and see what “feels right.” I find that this allows you practice the use of different perspectives, recognize when you might want to use one perspective over another, and, of course, get a feel for which is the right fit for your story.



Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on twitter. Tumblr more your speed? Check out my new Tumblr page. Stick a pin in me at pinterest too while you are out there! Might I recommend the writing prompt board or the writing tips board??)

Write on!

It's Wednesday! Let's Write

Creative Nonfiction, horses

Creative Nonfiction: First Impressions

“You have got to be kidding me,” I said to myself, staring at the huge horse in the stall in front of me. Why would I get paired with this horse? This horse was made for giants. Sure, I was tall for a girl but I definitely wasn’t tall enough for this horse. I stared at the big, gray horse against the far wall of the stall. I could hear the clap of his teeth as he crushed the grains in his mouth –an easy task. No way, no how. And Bandit? What kind of name is Bandit anyway? Does he steal things? I shook my head at him from the safety of the barn aisle.

The sound of other stall doors opening and closing died down as the rest of the campers entered their stalls and got to the task of meeting and grooming their horses. I remained where I was, grooming box in hand. It was just fifteen minutes ago that I was learning what all of these brushes were called, how to use them, and, even more importantly, how to interact around a horse. I knew not to go under a horse, but Bandit was tall enough that this looked like a viable option. That idea scared me. I shouldn’t be able to fit under a horse’s belly without playing a challenging game of limbo. I had also learned that if you had to pass behind a horse, you should pass as close to the horse’s back legs as possible so, if they were to kick, you would not get hurt as badly in the process. Something about that just wasn’t encouraging.

horseback riding

Bandit continued to stand there big and gray, eating his breakfast. I stood in the aisle blonde, small, and terrified wondering why my parents let my older sister, Lauren, talk them into this. I remained there, scared of all of the possibilities, until one of the counselors approached me. “What’s wrong?” She asked, peeking her head into Bandit’s stall.

I was never one to say I was afraid. I was the girl who would put on a brave face and just do it, but this was something different. “He’s just so big,” I said, continuing to stare at him.

“Yeah, he is,” the counselor nodded in agreement as she pulled her dark hair into a ponytail. “But he’s a gentle giant. Trust me. He’s literally the sweetest horse in here.”

I looked at her and back to Bandit. How was that possible?

Read the rest on my horsey blog, Beyond the Saddle! (Psssttt! Share your horse story with me here to have a chance at being featured on Beyond the Saddle)

Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 30: Let’s Break the Rules

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle



“Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” NORA EPHRON

“Art has an obligation to offend.” EDWARD ALBEE

“Torture yourself about your failures. And then get back to work.” TONY KUSHNER



{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

I have never been more frightened then when…

Describe your home town from an objective perspective.

Write a letter to your friend about something you cannot tell them face to face

Sky, fog, and clouds on a textured vintage paper background with grunge stains.

and more!

5 Ways to Build a Detailed World Without Boring Your Readers:

25 Truths Learned While Writing a First Novel:

A Case for Creative Rule Breaking:

Stormy weather on a city street


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!

Writer Wednesday with Domo(2)

Kyle, What I am up to

The Return of the Faded: An Update

Here is where I make a list of excuses as to why I haven’t been posting lately:

1). Grad school has taken up a lot of time but, all in all, has been very rewarding

2). I was helping with Fall for the Book, GMU’s annual literary festival and for fear of getting into the blurb I gave all newcomers about the festival, I’ll opt for a link to the festival’s site for those of you who are curious enough to venture to it.

Check out the festival here!

3). I started teaching creative writing to little kids who may or may not actually like creative writing…yet

4). I have a new blog. No, it’s not a betrayal to this one. It’s about horses and it is for one of my classes (Online Writing), so I would really appreciate any support or suggestions you all may have!

Check out my horse blog here!

5). Did I mention all of the books for graduate school? There are like 25 of them for this semester alone.

6). I spend my rare free time sleeping or lying awake in bed thinking and thinking and thinking.


However, these are all just excuses and a lot of my thinking has led me to the conclusion that I would like to resume regular posting on this blog –especially the Writer Wednesday posts since I feel those have been helpful to other writers. So hang in there as I shake my schedule up some more in order to get back on track with this!

Thank you readers!


Featured image courtesy of flickr
Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Are You Ready for a New Relationship?

After a break up, it can be tempting to jump right into your next relationship –even if you might not actually be ready for it. Before diving in, take a breath and truly think about whether or not you are ready for something new. Here are a few signs you might not be ready just yet:

new love

You find yourself keeping tabs on your ex via social media, shared friends, newspaper clippings (wait, do people read those still?), and by any other means. If you are this eager to figure out what your ex is up to, you are not ready to be in a relationship with someone new. This need to know everything about your ex even though you are no longer together is a sign that you have not moved on and, therefore, have lingering feelings you need to sort out before you are ready for someone new. (Read: Signs You Are Not Over Your Ex)

Signs you aren't ready for someone new

Going off of this idea, if you find yourself constantly talking about your ex, you are also not ready to move on. No one wants to feel like they are going to be compared to your ex or hear about all of the great times you two had together when they are trying to start something new with you. Save yourselves the trouble.

Signs you aren't ready for someone new(1)

Time management is already an issue for you…possibly even the cause of your last relationship failing. If you find yourself constantly busy with work, friends, family, organizing parades, saving pandas, brewing beer, bird watching…then you might not have time to give to someone new, and that can only end badly for you both.

Signs you aren't ready for someone new(2)

Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!

Are you ready for a new relationship_


Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 29: Word Clouds

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

I lie to you word cloud 1 jpeg


“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” -Ernest Hemingway

“Many people hear voices when no one is there. Some of them are called mad and are shut up in rooms where they stare at the walls all day. Others are called writers and they do pretty much the same thing.” -Meg Chittenden

“Don’t loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club, and if you don’t get it you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it.” -Jack London

First Thoughts word cloud jpeg


Thanks to for this week’s prompts!

{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

You’re outside cutting your grass when you come across a large hole in the ground. You’ve never noticed the hole before, but it looks to be some sort of tunnel to another world. You decide to peek through and see where it leads, only it leads you to a pivotal moment in your past—and it’s giving you an opportunity to change it. Write this scene.

You had that dream again. The one where the beast with the drooping hands and wicked fangs stares you down from your window. Except the windows open this time—and you’re awake! What happens next?

You wake up in—wait this isn’t your room. Confused you step to the mirror and see that you’re famous actor Robert Downey Jr. How did you get here and what do you do?

Our demise word cloud 2 jpeg

and more!

6 free writing podcasts:

How to Open:

Get the most out of the rest of your summer with this reading list from the TED community:

Is ignorance bliss word cloud 3 jpeg


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)


Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!

Writer Wednesday with quote(1)


Creative Writing, Dating/Relationships, Poetry

Poetry: Edges

She is all edges

and I see you try

to sand her down

so she is as smooth

as a stone made for skipping

across your heart,

but still edges grow about her.

Like plants in the doormat,

they appear when you are not looking,

as if overnight. You shake

your head in disbelief

as she stands strong

against you when you hoped

she would melt at your feet

and heed your command

–yet again –but she does not

crumble and she does not bleed

for you anymore. Steel warrior

of her life starting today,

and you dare to ask

for tomorrow.




Photo courtesy of flickr

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Privacy in Relationships

It has been said that sharing is caring, but what about the things you aren’t knowingly sharing? This ranges from your significant other reading your texts over your shoulder to more serious offenses such as going through your personal accounts, phone, space, etc. without your knowledge. In a relationship, there has to be some boundaries in order to keep both of you from feeling like your privacy is being violated.

How does one determine these boundaries? Well, it’s simple: talk to your partner about what is and isn’t okay in regards to privacy. Doesn’t sound so simple? Well, try it anyway.

spying on your boyfriend or girlfriend

A discussion about privacy is one of the most important conversations you can have as a couple whether you have just started dating, cohabitating, or married for 10+ years. A single conversation now can prevent a more serious and devastating conversation down the road when one or both of you have had your privacy violated. It is easier to prevent than to repair. With that in mind, here is a list of things to think about and address before it is too late:

Cell Phones

When is it okay to go through your significant other’s phone without their knowledge? The answer should be never. Whether or not they have something to hide from you, it is more than likely that your significant other wouldn’t want you going through their phone without their knowledge. You may not be hiding anything on your phone (more than your obsession for cat memes), but you likely wouldn’t want your significant other going through your phone either.

If you’re in a relationship and you find your fingers itching to scroll through your significant other’s phone, there’s likely a much larger issue under the surface than just wanting to check up on them. Let’s be honest, the main reason to go through your significant other’s phone is because you want to see who they are talking to…because you think they might be cheating. If this is sounding all too familiar, it is time for you to take a step back and address what it is specifically that is making you feel this way about your partner and address that with them in person, not their phone.

Unless you both agree that your phones are open books to each other, so to speak, then assume they are off-limits without permission and without suspicion. Cohabitating couples may want to discuss whether or not it is acceptable to answer phone calls from specific people (i.e. your parents) if you are in the shower or otherwise unavailable. When in doubt if something is okay when it comes to your significant other’s cell phone, just leave it alone. They can always call whoever it is back.

checking your boyfriend's or girlfriend's phone


Don’t ever go through your significant other’s journal. There is nothing you need or want to find in there. That is their personal space and it needs to be respected. End of story.


Don’t do anything with their email account without their permission and don’t be insulted if they don’t want to share an email account with you, grant you unlimited access to their account, etc. Even if they pulled up their email on your computer and left it open. Even if they saved their email password on your computer. Even if you use their computer, phone, tablet, spaceship, smart car, or what have you and it is just sitting there open asking you to scroll through its depths of history. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, and do not go through their email without permission.

Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!
