Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 28: Totally Quotable

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

Writer Wednesday Tips and Quotes



“Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.” -Sir Francis Bacon

“My task which I am trying to achieve is, by the power of the written word, to make you hear, to make you feel –it is, before all, to make you see. That –and no more, and it is everything. If I succeed, you shall find there according to all your deserts: encouragement, consolation, fear, charm –all you demand; and, perhaps, also that glimpse of truth for which you have forgotten to ask.” -Joseph Conrad

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.” -Joan Didion



{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

Pick a line of dialogue from the list below and use it to start your piece. Change punctuation as needed.

“Have you seen my sweater?”

“It was too dark for me to see!”

“You don’t understand. I had to go.”

“Nothing is fair in love, war, or badminton.”

“There was only one left.”

“I could say sorry, but I wouldn’t mean it.”


and more!

How Literature changes your brain for the better:

affect v. effect:

An editing check list!



Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)


Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!


Write on!

Sky, fog, and clouds on a textured vintage paper background with grunge stains.

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: How to Have a Successful First Date

First dates can be stressful: You have found someone that you are interested in and are now participating in this sort of ritual called dating to get to know each other better. The desired first date is crowded with a mix of emotions from anticipation, dread, nerves, excitement, lust, and much more, making it one of the most stressful dates of them all. This is the date that determines if there will be more outings with this person or if things will just fizzle out and you both will continue on with your lives like nothing out of the ordinary happened. Here’s a list to help you ace that first date and, hopefully, get a chance at a second, fourth, fifth, eighth and twenty-second one:

dating advice

  1. Choose a date location where the two of you have a chance to actually talk. Meeting at a movie theater, sitting through a two and a half hour movie, and then parting ways is not ideal for really getting to know a person. Try a restaurant, coffee shop, or another location that encourages conversation. Worried that neither one of you will have something to say? Pick a location that will spark conversation such as a museum or the zoo so you will always have something to talk about.
  2. On that note, pick an appropriate time for your first date. Hint: the middle of the night does not fall into this category.
  3. Don’t spend a ridiculous amount of time getting ready. It’s important to feel good about yourself going into the date, part of which stems from looking your best, but there is no need to spend all day getting ready. This person wanted to go on a date with you, not a version of you with clown make up or hair spiked up with so much gel that it doubles a weapon. Stay practical, and stay true to yourself.
  4. Let the other person talk just as much as you do. First dates are notorious for a lot of “me, me, me,” conversations as you are likely just getting to know each other, or at least getting to know each other in a different manner. Share the floor so you a) don’t come off as a narcissist b) learn something about the other person as well and c) so you actually have a chance to test your compatibility.
  5. Put your phone down. Seriously.

Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!

perfect first date

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: How to Fight Fair in Love

While it seems like fighting in a relationship is a bad thing, not fighting can be even worse. Fighting is healthy in love under the right circumstances (i.e. when you are not constantly fighting and, when you do fight, fighting fair). Whether this is your first fight as a couple or, well, your twentieth, there are some simple rules to remember when you are fighting with the one you love.

True Love

Do not bring up every other past argument or issue the two of you have had in the past. You need to focus on what is going on now, not rehash old issues that (were hopefully) already dealt with. Past issues are not ammunition for your current argument.


Do not insult each other. Remember: deep down the two of you love each other. Hearing the one you love say something insulting about you (or you saying something insulting about the person you love) only makes things worse. Plus, it is impossible to “un-hear” such things. Think before you speak.

On that note, do not name call or use profanity. Be respectful of your significant other and expect the same from them. These childish tactics get you nowhere.



Do not point fingers. While it may be clear to you that they were in the wrong, this will not help move things forward. This just makes your partner feel worse and keeps you and your argument right where you are. You are aiming for a discussion of the issue here; pointing fingers is just a tactic for stalling and placing blame…neither of which are fair nor are going to resolve your issue.

fighting for love

Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!

Fight Fair

Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 27: 50 Shades of Writing

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

Sharing their lives with each other
How to be Happier in Your Current Relationship



“Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it, and above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light.” -Joseph Pulitzer

“Start early and work hard. A writer’s apprenticeship usually involves writing a million words (which are then discarded) before he’s almost ready to begin. That takes a while.” -David Eddings

“Beginning writers must appreciate the prerequisites if they hope to become writers. You pay your dues —which takes years.” -Alex Haley

“Tepid Water”



Go on a date with your character (friend date or romantic date). Where would you go? What would happen? (Pro tip: stay away from 50 Shades of Grey for this prompt!)

Pull a name from a sign (relator signs anyone?!) and write that person’s back story. Bonus points if you pick a sign with two names (back to the relator sign since a lot of realtors have partners) and write their joint back story —are they married? Just work partners? Tell us their story.

Your character’s worst nightmare is happening.

You’re nude in town…why?

“Building Castles”

and more!

Turn your handwriting into a font:

25 Ways to Fight Your Story’s Mushy Middle: 

You’re likely not a dummy when it comes to writing, but here is a Creative Writing for Dummies Cheat Sheet:

Current Events in the Writing Life of Kyle


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!

Go on a date with your character (friend

Recent Reads

Recent Reads: Girls in White Dresses (By: Jennifer Close)

Girls in White Dresses

Out of college and forced into the “real world,” Jennifer Close’s novel Girls in White Dresses follows the lives of a group of girl friends as they strive to find their place in the world. The novel focuses on Isabella, Mary, and Lauren –their struggles with finding a job, paying rent, love, starting a career, etc. all while they watch other friends in their circle “succeed” at these things. They watch as their friends get married, have baby showers, and pop out children while they are still trying to figure things out. Through humorous anecdotes involving the various female characters, this book appeals to the new adult crowd (especially those fresh out of college) who are watching in disbelief as their friends are getting their “grown up” lives together while their own life seems to be in shambles. Through this novel, Close reaches out to her readers and tells them to keep hanging in there even if things don’t fall into place right away. The pieces will fall as they may and the picture will still be beautiful, even if it isn’t a complete fairy tale.

As someone who is the same age as these characters towards the start of the novel, I found it very easy to relate to this book. It is easy to question if you are on the “right track” or if you are doing things “wrong” when all of your friends are getting engaged/married/having children/picking out dishwashers/moving to the moon/etc. This book was nice in that it used a group of female characters to show that everyone’s lives pan out differently –that it is all a series of choices and has to do with your priorities in life.

At first I was unsure of the book’s style. Let me explain. From the back cover (and my description above), you read that there are going to three main female characters yet, in the first section, you only meet Isabella. I was confused as to how the other characters fit in when I got to the end of that section and they still hadn’t been mentioned. Once I got through the next section though, I began looking at this book less like a novel and more like a short story collection. It is made up of different sections that focus on a given character at a time (sometimes even told with a fourth or fifth girl as the sort of “main” character of that section) that works together as a coherent whole and allows Close to jump large spans of time…aging her characters several years by the books end. In a way though, that is nice because you get a realistic timeline for the characters lives and you, the reader, gets to focus on the truly interesting aspects from these various friends’ lives. This style also made it easy to find a breaking point (after any section) although the book overall, for me at least, was a quick read.

All in all, this book was a nice little slice of life for this group of friends that I think new adults would find particularly relatable.

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: How to be Happier in Your Relationship

There comes a time in any relationship where you realize things have changed. Maybe you notice that you don’t go out as much as you used to, dates are less romantic or even nonexistent, and conversations aren’t as thrilling. In general, the honeymoon period is over and now you find that your relationship is a little lackluster and you feel taken for granted. In small doses, that’s normal. However, there is no need for you to stay that way! Here are ways to be happier in your current relationship:

Find Happiness

Go out on dates with your significant other on a regular basis. With everything going on in your lives at work or with your family/kids, it’s important that you take time to appreciate each other. But don’t just go out to dinner and sit across the table from each other in silence as you mentally go through your to-do list for the umpteenth time or sift through Facebook on your phone. Go out and act like a couple. Sit on the same side of the booth, go somewhere romantic, watch the sunset and stay out until sunrise…most importantly though, be proud to be seen with your significant other…and make sure they know it.


Whenever possible, go to bed at the same time, even if one of you wakes up earlier than the other to get things done.


Express your needs to your partner and listen when they tell you theirs. Act accordingly.


Hold hands when you walk or at least walk next to each other. It’s about spending time together, not following each other around like lost puppies. You’re out together so be together.


Put your phone down and focus on your significant other.


Create and develop common interests…even if it’s just a T.V. show you two watch together (although ideally your interests will spread outside of the living room/family room/bathroom/ conservatory/ whatever room your T.V. is in).


Read the rest of this post on Heyy App’s blog!


dating advice

origami writing
Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 26: Perfecting POV

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

Samuel Johnson writing and love quote


The first goal of writing is to have one’s words read successfully.” -Robert Brault

“Most editors are failed writers — but so are most writers.” -T.S. Eliot

Some authors write with a grave ink, of a dramatic pen dipped into their dark souls.”Terri Guillemets

“Authors and lovers always suffer some infatuation, from which only absence can set them free.” -Samuel Johnson

Terri Guillemets Writing quote


{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

(Re-)Write a scene from the perspective of a minor character.

Change your protagonist’s age significantly (+or- 10 to 50 years).

Re-write a story or scene from a different POV.

Free write your main character’s back story for 5 to 10 minutes.

the best writing quotes(6)

and more!

Some blogging tips for all you bloggers out there

Free creative writing courses from top universities and other educational websites

Advice on writing short stories

Wondering how you choose what POV to write from? This site has some help for you.

the best writing quotes(7)


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!



Poetry: Tepid Water

Your fingertips caress my skin

and I shiver in fear

of what this all means

as you pull webs

from my heart to take home

for display in your showcase

of conquests. I wait

for your return because I know

this will not be the last time

I see you, the last time I feel you.

You are the only one who reaches

for me anymore. Damaged goods.

Debris covered shore that no one

looks to love anymore.

Your touch is cool with years

but it is the only warm embrace

I receive, that I will receive,

until you have pulled

every last grain of me

into your depths

for a proper burial

out at sea where I can drown

in the past I will never escape.

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Signs You Are Not Over Your Ex

It happens. You fall in love and you fall, well, hard. Despite how much time has passed since the split or even the who, the whys, or the hows of the break up itself, there is still a good chance that one or both of you is hung up on what could have been. Being stuck on the relationship that failed could keeps you from moving forward in your life and, ultimately, makes you unavailable to anyone else. So here is the big question: Are you over your ex?

Here is a list of signs that you are NOT over your ex yet:

help me get over my ex

Their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, or some combination thereof is constantly pulled up on your screen. You find yourself eager to hit refresh and study their latest posts for insights into their new life or clues for how to win them back.

You constantly talk about them even though all of your friends are sick of hearing about him/her. You can’t help it–they are so fascinating!

If they were to call you, you would pick up right away regardless of what you are doing. After all, the wedding will still be going on when you reenter the church. Same with texting. If you would mess up your wet mani or crush your chest mid bench press in order to reply to their text right away, you are so not over them.

You offer to walk their dog, house sit, clean, cook, or what have you…for free. Worse yet, for “fun.”

Instead of ending with a goodnight kiss or a plan to hang out again, your dates tend to end with the other person storming off because you, yet again, have called them by your ex’s name. You probably also spent all night telling them about said ex and comparing them accordingly. Tsk tsk.

You drive by their house even though it is out of the way. You tell yourself you’re “just wondering if they’re home” or “you enjoy the drive” or something equally unconvincing, even to yourself.

Read the rest on Heyy App’s blog!

we broke up

Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 25

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

Writer Wednesday with quote(2)


“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” -Saul Bellow

“Write your first draft with your heart. Re-write with your head.” –Finding Forrester (movie)

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?” -Friedrich Nietzsche

writing through the night


{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

Each of the lists below have a person, place, and thing. Pick a list and get writing!

1). Teacher, pool, and shoe polish

2). Stay at home dad, office building, a feather boa

3). Zookeeper, shooting range, and a potato salad

4). Nurse, grocery store, and a rusty spoon

5). Farmer, mall, and a splinter

5 Writing Prompts

and more!

Michael Connelly’s advice for young writers (video)

Writing lessons from Downton Abbey (because who doesn’t love Downton Abbey?!)

10 things to help your writing career before you are published

movie quote


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)


Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!


Write on!