Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 36: Picture Prompts

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! Did you try one of these writing prompts? Let me know! I love to see what other writers are up to. <3 Kyle



“Truth is so hard to tell, it sometimes needs fiction to make it plausible.” -Sir Francis Bacon

“Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history.” -Plato

“Write a short story every week. It’s not possible to write 52 bad short stories in a row.” -Ray Bradbury

“Prose is like hair, it shines with combing.” -Gustave Flaubert

I write fiction


Today’s prompts from here.

Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.

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keep writing

and more!

How to Kill a Character –For when you need it (or even if you’re just looking for a fun infographic…also if you want to see if your fav. book makes the list of extensive examples)

For all writers: Body Language Cheat Sheet (Make that body language work for you and your readers!)

10 Ways to Make Readers Loathe Your Antagonist because sometimes hate builds an unbreakable bond with your readers. Don’t lose them, dear writer!

16 Fancy Literary Techniques Explained By Disney here because literary techniques are important but so is Disney. In other words, this article is a win-win.

writing quote


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!


Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Caring is Not Comparing

Sometimes, comparisons happen before we even realize we are doing it. We are trained to compare products and sometimes this leaks into the realm of dating. After all, we humans do seem to relish the ever-haunting “what if” moments, always unsure as to whether we have made the right choice. However, comparisons in regards to our partner and other people will not lead to happiness for anyone. Apples and oranges, people, apples and oranges. Here are some reminders as to why this remains true and some hints to get rid of the urge to compare when it comes to love.

Don't Compare Your Significant Other

Comparing Your Partner to Your Exes

This is, understandably, easy to do. They are your romantic partner, your ex was once your romantic partner, but this sort of comparison is a major no-no. Fact is, that your significant other is not your ex. They don’t look like your ex. They don’t sound like your ex. When they laugh, it’s not going to be the same jingle or even at the same volume or note. They won’t like the same movies, frequent the same places, think the violin is the coolest instrument known to planet earth, belch the ABCs (thankfully?), or even drink almond milk. They don’t mind leggings being worn as pants, think clowns are cute in an inexplicable sort of way, carry a book in their car just to say they are reading something, or even believe in mermaids.

Comparing them (even if you think it is “innocent” because they’ll “never know”) sets your mind up for continued comparisons down the road, putting your current significant other [unknowingly] in competition with your ex, or at least the memory of your ex.

love quotes -Kyle Freelander

Comparing Your Partner to Your Parents

Sure, it is normal to wonder whether or not your parents will like your new SO. You want your parents to like them and for your significant other to like your parents, right? But to compare them?


Read the rest of this article on Heyy App’s blog


Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 35: Merry Christmas!

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! Did you try one of these writing prompts? Let me know! I love to see what other writers are up to. Merry Christmas! <3 Kyle

gift ideas for readers and writers copy
Gift Ideas for Readers and Writers



“Story is to human beings what the pearl is to the oyster.” -Joseph Gold

“When writing a novel a writer should create living people; people not characters. A character is a caricature.” -Ernest Hemingway

“Don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the thing you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us a thing was “terrible,” describe it so that we’ll be terrified. Don’t say it was “delightful”; make us say “delightful” when we’ve read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers, ‘Please will you do my job for me.'” -C.S. Lewis

“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” -John Steinbeck

Winter Love
“Winter Love Affair”


Prompts (This week’s scifi and fantasy holiday prompts from here)

{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

You find a music box that, when played, brings a sugarplum faerie to life. She’s not friendly.

When a blizzard strands several people in an abandoned factory in Northern California, they find the factory’s workers — elves — never really left.

The crew of earth’s first deep-space ship celebrate Christmas together, until they receive a distress call from another ship apparently on its way to earth.

It was the night before Christmas, and suddenly all the creatures were stirring.

After bringing your newborn baby home from the hospital, you get a visit from three men who claim to have traveled a long way to see your child. Oh, and they have gifts.

In a chest you’ve inherited from your mother, you find a copy of a family tree you’ve never seen before that seems to indicate you’re a direct descendant of Ebenezer Scrooge.

Slowly, a man comes to the realization that his world and everything he knows is just the inside of a snow globe.



and more!

Looking for some insight on how to structure a story? Check out this 8-point arc

Stay creative with these 16 tips!

What do those rejection letters really mean? Some insight as to why your latest submission got rejected.


My eyes are closed to the mirror
“My Eyes are Closed to the Mirror”



Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!

Happy Holidays!

writing tips



Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Attract Someone Better Than Your Ex

It is easy to sit around wishing and hoping for someone fantastic to fall into your lap (literally or metaphorically), but, for most people, that doesn’t just happen. You have to take certain steps to find the person you want to be with just as you have to take steps to be the sort of person they would want to be with. Sure, there is something to be said for just being yourself, but sometimes “just being” yourself leads to lack of effort, and lack of effort leads to lack of interest, and we all know where that leads. Here are some tips for how to attract the sort of person you actually want to be with (or at least someone who is better than your ex):

Getting Over Your Ex

Be a better version of yourself first.

Let’s clarify this right away: do not change who you are. Be yourself, just be the best version of yourself that you have to offer. Be driven. Push yourself. Chase your dreams. Have thoughts and opinions and interesting things to say. Have something to offer that has no monetary value. Be excited about something. Have likes and dislikes and things you still aren’t sure about. Be well-rounded and interesting. Be you.

Be someone they can trust.

Hopefully the importance of being trustworthy isn’t lost on you. Being trustworthy lessens the likelihood of future issues with jealousy and makes you someone they can actually put their faith in. Being with someone you cannot trust is a unique form of torture. Don’t inflict that upon yourself or your potential partner. Take the extra care to be someone they can trust and you’ll find that you’ll attract someone you can trust as well. Call when you say you’ll call. Be on time, or at least have the decency to cancel when you know you aren’t going to make it (and then reschedule!). Follow through on your promises. If you promised to take care of his dog while he visits his family for the weekend or if you promised her that you would come over to fix her flat tire or what have you –do it! Most importantly, be honest. Tell the truth and avoid lies. Expect the same from them.

Trust Makes You Better

Be single.

No, it is not okay to be looking for the next best thing while in any sort of relationship. If you are ready to end your current relationship, then end it before you start fishing around to see what is out there. If you are willing to cheat with them, you are willing to cheat on them and that is something that will always be on your date’s mind. AKA it will be near impossible to trust you (and we discussed the importance of that!).

Read the rest on Heyy App’s Blog

Be yourself and find love


Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 34

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

“Pillow Top”


“Start early and work hard. A writer’s apprenticeship usually involves writing a million words (which are then discarded) before he’s almost ready to begin. That takes a while.” -David Eddings

“The faster I write the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.” -Raymond Chandler

“The heart makes the eloquence.” -Edward Dahlberg


Prompts (This week’s prompts from here)

{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

A man spends the afternoon building a snowman with his son, but as he’s getting ready for bed that night he notices that snowman has moved at least 20 feet toward the house.

While hiking in the woods, a man and his partner come across a reindeer that seems to desperately want to be followed.

“I found it, on a branch, in the Christmas tree.”

Two twin girls set out on Christmas Eve with a plan: to capture Santa Claus.

A family decides to spend their winter holiday in their uncle’s cabin in the woods, but they wake up in the middle of the night to a visitor digging through the trash: an abominable snowman.

A Christmas Tree that loses its star sets out on a mission to find it.

Love Will Knock You Down

and more!

My Pinterest board filled with gift ideas for writers and readers! It’s not too late to get the writer in your life what they really want this holiday season.

This site has a really cool infographic about mythical creatures from around the world. Seriously, it’s worth checking out!

Titles are important. Here are some things to think about when naming your book!

Moving on After a Break Up


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Let’s be a community: Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and more! Links on the bottom [right] of this page!

Write on!

 writing tips

Articles about relationships, Dating/Relationships

Dating: Moving on After a Break Up

Leo Tolstoy wrote in Anna Karenina, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Now, as the lesser famous and entirely made up Leo Toldyouastory wrote in a blog for Heyy App, “Break ups are difficult; every break up is difficult in its own way.” This is true: your break up is unique to you. However, the healing process after a break up is much the same regardless of the way in which the break up came around. Ice cream.

I’m kidding, people. Here are some real tips for picking up the pieces and moving on after a break up, courtesy of Leo Toldyouastory (in conjunction with Kyle Freelander and her little puppy dog, too):

How To Move On After a Break Up

Cut all communication ties. The fact is that your ex used to be your person and, for a while at least, you need to get used to life without them in the picture. There may come a time down the road where the two of you can be friends (read: Can You Be Friends With Your Ex? ), but right now is not that time. Right now both of you need space from each other to allow your romantic feelings to subside and to start the healing process. Remaining friends or trying to fall into friendship with them too soon after a break up can result in even more pain on the road. Right now, focus on you. Just you.

Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina

In the wild world of social media, you need to befriend the delete button. Delete your relationship status, your cutesy couple photos, and, most importantly, your friendship/following with them. What if you don’t delete your connection to them and just promise not to communicate with them? Is that good enough? No. Inevitably, they are going to post something on their end that makes you upset whether it ends up being a picture of them with their arm around someone else, a status about how excited they are for their date tonight, a tweet with a link to their online dating profile, begrudging vague comments about someone who could sound like you or could be twisted into someone who sounds like you, or even something simple like a post about the coffee they got this morning that is totally the coffee the two of you used to get together. You get the idea. Delete, delete, delete, and repeat.

It's over. How to Move on.

Spend time with your friends! These are the people that can help you get your mind off of your ex or listen to you vent accordingly. They’ll go out with you when you need a distraction and straight up tell you when you are being dumb about the whole situation. You need them.

Read the rest on Heyy App’s blog!


Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 33: Word Favoritism

I have come to help the writers! Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think. (Don’t let my comment box stay lonely!) Did you try one of these writing prompts? Let me know! I love to see what other writers are up to. <3 Kyle

First Thoughts
“First Thoughts”


So often is the virgin sheet of paper more real than what one has to say, and so often one regrets having marred it.” -Harold Acton

“When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can.” -Samuel Lover

“I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.” -James Michene

Tweet: “I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.” -James Michene #amwriting

Two Sugars (short fiction)


{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

Is that a threat?

They thought he was dead. Boy were they wrong.

What if?

Oh, to be young again

“So I get up and leave”

and more!

The prompts above didn’t tickle your fancy? Try this site where they give you a word (just one!) and you have to start writing right away. Best of luck!

Notice certain words that tend to appear over and over again in your writing? This is the site to help you. Have a similar problem, but with actual phrases? Check this out.

Find a cliché and toss it out, all day long you’ll feel good about…going to this website

broken heart
“I lie to you”



Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Let’s be a community: Find me taking over social media via the links at the bottom of this page (check out that bottom right corner)

Write on!

Writer Wednesday(1)

Creative Nonfiction, horses

Creative Nonfiction: Close the barn door!

There was a lot I was willing to overlook when it came to Maddie, the new ex-racehorse at the barn that I would be helping to train. She was a chestnut Quarter horse/ Thoroughbred mix who needed someone to help her adapt to her new life as a lesson horse, and I was thrilled to get back into the realm of training that I had been somewhat sidetracked from when we switched lesson barns.

I was so excited for this change of pace, that I was willing to overlook the fact that she had bit my instructor in the stall one time (and the fact that my instructor felt that it was okay to hide that information from me), I forgave Maddie for the times her flight instincts kicked in on a trail ride for no apparent reason as she took off at a gallop up a hill while I did everything I could to stay in the saddle (luckily I did not fall), and I pretended to be okay after she took off again on that same trail ride, racing straight for the trees. I was more than willing to overlook all of it. After all, it was part of her training process and I was always up for a challenge. However, there are just some things your mother will not let you overlook.

Close the Barn Door!

My mom didn’t always go to our lessons. Usually our dad took us as he would go to work earlier in the morning (and, therefore get off work earlier) and he didn’t mind being around horses the way my mother did (to this day she remains “not a horse person” …or dog person for that matter, but that’s a story for a different time). So already with my mother tucked into the corner of the ring (in reflection, I don’t know why my instructor thought that this was a good spot for a chair or for my mother), this day was already set up to be special.

That day there were five of us in the ring on horses, plus my instructor who stood in the middle of the ring and my mother seated in the corner with her back against the fence (whyyyy?). In the center of the ring, a small jump had been set up on the diagonal. The five of us formed a line in the corner next to my mother’s corner and took turns heading to the jump, sailing over it, and returning to the line to wait our next task. I was at the end of the line per my instructor’s request. While I had jumped Maddie before, she was still somewhat green when it came to jumping since, you know, racehorses don’t do much jumping.

When it was our turn, we headed towards the jump. I was calm and collected knowing we had done a similar jump before and we hadn’t really had problems in the ring. Sure, she had problems out on the trail and with my instructor in the stall, but in the ring we had been pretty solid. Maddie was always one to keep you on your toes though, and that day was not any different.

Read the rest on my other blog Beyond the Saddle!

horse barn

What I am up to

What I am thankful for:

Thanksgiving is the time of year when we all take a moment and really appreciate the things we may have taken for granted throughout the year or even during our lives. So, while it is not meant to be a complete list, here is my list of what I am thankful for this year (in no specific order):



My family.

My parents for obvious reasons, but I am especially thankful for my sisters. We may have disagreements, crankiness due to lack of coffee, and our dogs might legitimately hate each other, but those are always temporary (well, dogs…who knows). In them I have two shopping buddies, people who are forced to at least occasionally like the same types of food, ones who understand where I come from, where I’m am, and where I want to be. They are the people I can talk to about my day, tell my crazy stories to, or even just seek advice about my latest strange dream. I like the way we have inside jokes, the same sense of humor, and that we look related in photos. Mainly though, I like the fact that we’re friends when life only forced us to be related.



Graduate School.

I’m not even quite sure where to start on this one. It’s almost two-fold. I am thankful for getting into George Mason’s MFA program. I remember the anticipation of waiting to hear back, the doubts as to whether or not I had made the right choice in choosing not to accept a different school’s offer the previous year, and then all of the smiles and hugs and congratulations once I got my acceptance letter –just when I was about to give up hope.

Now I am thankful for actually being in graduate school. I am currently wrapping up my first semester in the MFA program and already I feel like I have done and learned a lot. From teaching opportunities, to Fall for the Book, to all of my classes, to the books I read, to the stories I’ve written, to the horse blog I started, the new people I have met, the friends I’ve made, and everything in between –I am thankful.


My friends.

All of them are fabulous. They are there to partake in happy hour, brunch, shopping, or even going on the boring errand I didn’t want to do alone. We swap stories, offer advice, talk about the good ole days, talk about the great new days, try new things, and just take a break from the stress of the world. I am ever thankful to each and every one of my friends for being some combination of that for me as I hope I am able to offer the same to them.


My boyfriend.

He is there when I need a shoulder to cry on, when I have a coffee addiction to deal with, when I need a push, or even when I just need some support. We have had moments of weakness (it would be naïve to pretend that everyone is happy all of the time), but we have come out of those moments stronger and with a better understanding of who we are as individuals. He takes interest (and usually even takes part of) the things I am interested in: he listens to me read a cool story aloud, goes to horse shows with me, watches me horseback ride (and sets up the ring for me as needed), reads my writing, shares my current writing that’s out there in the world already, and then always looks for something he could be doing more. I feel appreciated, challenged as a person, and I know that there will never have a dull moment with him.

Photo Nov 05, 10 48 48 PM

My dog.

Dusty is an angelic soul…hahaha. Okay, but really. I am thankful for Dusty in spite of the fact that he invites himself up on the couch, barks at all other dogs, barks at all birds, manages to get his leash trapped under the hood of the car (props for that one), eats the remainder of the pre-holiday cookies for my early Christmas enjoyment, and the fact that he refuses to wear the bowtie I hand crafted him for more than maybe 5 minutes. Why, you ask? Because he is Dusty. Dusty my little shelter dog that I got during my freshmen year of college. Dusty the dog who likes cuddles, has no qualms with forcing you to pet him, follows me around the house, gets overly excited every time he sees me regardless of how long I’ve been gone, the one who thinks my shoes are the coziest dog bed, the one who lets me dress him up in clothes (which is actually a development new to this year), and the one who loves me regardless of how many things I’ve had to scold him for that day. You can follow him on Instagram @oldmandustydog (no joke –he has the occasional need in life for mindless activities to give him a break from his intensive dog studies).

Facing the Tide

My book.

My first novel, Facing the Tide, was released a little over a year ago (11/12/13) as and ebook. This year on (2/15/14), it was released as a paperback. I spend a lot of time flipping being proud of my book and trying to shield its existence from certain people. This is not because of the content/plot of my book (which I like very much), but more because of the connotation of “self-publishing” or “Indie publishing.” Some people think that this term does not hold as much merit as a book that goes through the methods of traditional publishing, and I admit that I have been guilty of similar thoughts on occasion. They are thoughts that I struggled with even before my decision to go ahead and publish my book anyway (there were several factors at play here, none of them being that my book “wasn’t good enough” for traditional publishing). Between all the time I spent writing, revising, rewriting, editing, designing the cover, formatting the layout, getting all the things that make a book a book (hello, ISBN number), and all of the marketing and promotional components to getting a book out there…I feel foolish for even being “embarrassed” for a second about my book. It is something that I have invested time, money, heart, and soul into and, for that, I am proud and thankful (especially thankful for those who have read the book and/or supported me throughout this process).