Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 22

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! If you’re brave enough to post your writing in regards to a prompt, let me know –I would love to check it out! <3 Kyle

Writer Wednesday Tips and Quotes


“There is no satisfactory explanation of style, no infallible guide to good writing, no assurance that a person who thinks clearly will be able to write clearly, no key that unlocks the door, no inflexible rules by which the young writer may steer his course. He will often find himself steering by the stars that are disturbingly in motion.” -E. B. White

“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” -John Steinbeck

“To a chemist, nothing on earth is unclean. A writer must be as objective as a chemist; he must abandon the subjective line; he must know that the dungheaps play a very respectful part in landscape, and that evil passions are as inherent in life as good ones.” -Anton Chekhov



{{Have prompts you would like to see featured on a Writer Wednesday? Submit them here.}}

Prompts courtesy of  (where you can find countless prompts if you need more inspiration)

You’re a pirate on a small pirate ship, that consists of only you, one other pirate and a captain. Recently you ransacked another ship and found a treasure map. After weeks of following it, you’ve finally found the island where “X” marks the spot. Write a scene where you find the buried treasure, only it’s not exactly the treasure you expected to find.

You’re walking to grab lunch when you see a crowd gathered around a building. You look up and see that someone is standing on the ledge, looking to jump. You hear a police office close to you mention that the person is about to commit suicide. He also mentions the person’s name: and it’s someone you know! Write a scene where you attempt to stop the jumper from jumping.

You head into the bathroom at work, walk into a stall and close the door. Moments later, as you leave the stall, you notice two people standing there and there’s one major problem: They are of the opposite sex. On the spot, you make up an excuse as to why you are in their bathroom.


and more!

How Creative Flow is Like Sex

That vs. Which: do you know which to use?

While not directly related to writing, sleep makes us better all around (especially with your mind working so hard)



Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

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Write on!

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