Prompts, Writer Wednesday, Writing Tips

Writer Wednesday 11

Quotes, prompts, inspiration, and more to help writers get back to writing. As always, let me know what you think! Did you try one of these writing prompts? Let me know! I love to see what other writers are up to. <3 Kyle

writing quote


“Your work is to discover your work, and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it.” -Buddha

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” -Bill Cosby

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” -Jack London

“It is only when you open your veins and bleed onto the page a little that you establish contact with your reader. If you do not believe in the characters or the story you are doing at that moment with all your mind, strength, and will, if you don’t feel joy and excitement while writing it, then you’re wasting good white paper, even if it sells, because there are other ways in which a writer can bring in the rent money besides writing bad or phony stories.” -Paul Gallico



[Today’s prompts from 642 Things to Write About By: the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, a really fun writing prompt book. It’s definitely worth checking out!]

Write about two characters who have known each other for a long time, and give one of them a secret.

A hopelessly messy person and an obsessively neat person become roommates.

Write the lyrics of a rap song. They must include a cop, a bad drug bust, and a dog.

Fix the plot of the worst movie you have ever seen.


and more!

Stephen King’s Top 20 rules for writers

Fuzzmail: “Fuzzmail records the act of writing and lets you send it as an email. Dynamic changes, typos, pauses, and write-overs are captured and communicated…a more emotionally expressive alternative to email, so that an emailed love letter does not have to look the same as a business letter.”

Develop a fictional world through mapping


Have something to share? This is your chance to promote yourself, your blog, or even just a helpful site you came across. Submissions go here (and let’s hope they are writing related.)

Looking for more prompts and inspiration? Check out previous Writer Wednesdays!

Spread the love! Like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter. Maybe Tumblr is more your speed? Let’s join forces on Pinterest as well!

Write on!

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